5 Simple Morning Workout Exercise to Start Your Day the Right Way

Hitting the snooze button sadly doesn't count as exercise. Wake up to this quick morning workout to boost your metabolism and jumpstart your day.

Hitting the snooze button sadly doesn't count as exercise. Wake up to these quick morning workouts to boost metabolism and jumpstart your day. They can kick up your energy levels so that you stay active throughout the day. It also helps you in creative thinking, mental and physical health, decision making and improves your focus and concentration. Here are six morning workout exercises to start your day with:

1. Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises you can do.  Squats help us to build leg muscles (including hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves), but they also create an anabolic environment, which promotes body with wide muscle building. As they help you to build muscle, you will become more efficient at burning calories so you can get to that slim physique faster.

2. Lunges

This is another form of exercise which helps you to strengthen your core and as well as your lower body. It is also a great way to develop thigh muscles and strengthen the hips. The procedure of doing lunges is almost similar to squats but in lunges, one gets a wider range of motion and better stress at the muscles.

3. Jumping Jacks

This is one of the whole body exercises which instantly elevates mood and activates various muscles of the body. This particular exercise increases your stamina and is very effective for the cardiovascular system.

4. Push Ups

This is a good way to target your chest and triceps. There are many variations of push-ups. The classic push-up is one of the best exercises that engage your chest, triceps, shoulders, and core (among other muscle groups) in a single movement. There are tons of different variations to satisfy the beginner to the advanced athlete. Some of the best forms of push-ups are One-Arm Push-Up it is one the best bodyweight exercise for the upper body.

5. Plank

Plank exercise mainly focuses on the core and strengthens the entire body. It is a very simple and effective workout. They hold your body at one place thereby your body weight is distributed uniformly. It is also amazing for a flat stomach. Plank improves your health by boosting metabolism, improves body strength and flexibility and improves mental health and boost energy levels.

6. Bicycle Crunches

The bicycle crunch is an excellent exercise for building up your core, upper, lower body and helps in toning the thighs. Crunches have a number of physical, mental and psychological benefits for your body such as weight loss, muscles building, relaxing mind and body.

Wrapping It Up

Once you start working out in the morning, you may wonder why you never had before. It can be a great way to get the day going and feel you’ve accomplished something earlier. This can carry over and influence the rest of your day and help you become more productive. Make sure you follow and maintain a proper daily routine and do these exercises regularly. You can also include making breakfast energy shakes and simple exercises like walking, swimming or jogging as well. In the beginning, it may seem a little difficult but as you continue doing them, and then it will seem easy for you.

It’s not about “getting it out of the way” with exercise but making it a part of your daily routine and this morning workout exercise can be a great way to do that.

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Brian Meiggs
Brian Meiggs
Every day we put together original stories that help you conquer each day a little better. Consider us your secret tool to get your life done right. Brian Meiggs is the founder of Whippio anD and has a love for digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and personal finance. His mission to give you the resources and inspiration you didn’t realize you needed to own your life and love it

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